I am stunned, moved and a little sore in my feet as I now sit at The Coach & Horses in Soho with gin & tonic and a newly cellected award. It is a relatively short distance from here to the place where Hernö Gin was named Gin Brand of the year tonight at The Spirits Business Awards and less than two days since I received the award for International Gin Producer of the year by the IWSC here in London. There are many other feet then my own that have been doing the walk that brought me here though.
I like to walk, it clears my mind and I won't have to sit still, I've always had a hard time being still, which seems to both amaze and annoy people around me. I don't like to follow in other people's footsteps, but I like to have company. Many of the ideas that brought Hernö Gin to where it is today came about during a walk. Both completely brilliant ideas but also a couple of terrible ones. In addition to good ideas, you need good people to develop the ideas with in order to succeed. As I mentioned it's not just my shoes that have brought me to London and back to the pub where it all once started. The idea to start a gin distillery in Sweden started to form while I was working as a bartender right here in 1999.
I've been lucky enough to manage to collect a group of wonderful people who have not only followed my walk, but also Hernö Gin's walk over the years. Some of whom I get to work with every day back home in Härnösand, while others are scattered in more exotic places such as Copenhagen, Stockholm, Malung and Melbourne.
Cheers to the tasteful people who has distilled, bottled, packaged and carried Hernö Gin. To the creative geniuses who designed, photographed, wrote stories about and sold Hernö Gin. To all my relatives, friends and family who listened, asked, challenged and supported Hernö Gin. And to all of you interested and curious people who have tasted, bought, collected, gifted and visited Hernö Gin. With worn shoes and a warm heart, I thank you all for a fantastic walk and an incredible year. Together we are Hernö Gin.
The walk continues tomorrow. See you all out there.
With love / Jon Hillgren